The Feminine Birth


The word “Feminism” was coined back then in 1851 which broadly meant “being feminine”. Being feminine, refers to the characteristics of a woman, or resembling features such as weakness, softness, delicateness, adaptability, and fearfulness.

Soon after the wave of feminism came in the late 19th century when women fought for equal pay and treatment as that of men in workplace and opportunities, “feminism” came as a revolutionary word which meant “political, economic, and social equality of sexes, and all the campaigns and fights regarding this concern”.

Indeed, we’ve come a long way analysing and understanding the gravity and depth of this word. Gravity and depth are the significant features of Mother earth. Wondering, why earth is a feminine power and not a masculine power!

Well, there are two types of powers, namely masculine and feminine. Masculine power is an active energy such as fire and air which have the tendency to move on its own. Masculine power is ruled by qualities such as dominance, strongness, strength and vigour. Whereas feminine power is more of an inactive or receptive energy such as water and earth. Feminine energies have the tendency to stay calm, and close to origin. Both the powers are complementary to each other and constitute the nature in a balanced way.

No one is born feminine or masculine, but they gradually grow up to resemble features and qualities to be represented so. Unlike the traditional beliefs, I would say, feminism is also about divine power, anger, justice and rejuvenation. And the reason why nature is addressed and worshipped as a feminine power is her abilities to nurture all the lives and to nourish and sustain those lives on earth selflessly. She is polite, she is tender, she has got immense patience and yet she is more powerful than a masculine power. She is strong, she has anger, and she is selfless. She is bearer and origin of all the creations, she is divine. She is what beauty would reflect in the mirror.

So, this “Women’s Day” don’t just mention the women and her qualities, but also be connected to the divine power of feminism and respect the holders of that power. Delve deep into what constitutes this energy and how it governs our existence.




  1. Very pleasant but at the same time powerful work !

  2. Expressive yet simplified
    Keep going on amigo :)

  3. Every bit of it was worth reading 🤓


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