Before we dive into our  subject its worth mentioning what is fear.
Fear is the bad feeling that you have when you are in a danger or when a particular thing frightens you (Oxford).
In fear, a person is filled with anxiety, apprehension(1) and anticipation.

I mean fear, not something that is related to snakes, height, public speaking or darkness. They are very common now, but I mean those that cause you internal trepidation(2) and make you feel emotionally dented(3). Everyone has those secret abyss(4).
I do have one, and I'm living it. The fear of breathing in an enclosed surrounding and that of being encaged within boundaries.
I had feared that I would go morbid(5) if I ever came across this tribulation(6). And here I'm in it and will be through, amidst the chaos of the unpropitious(7)
disease spreading like fire in the thatches.

Many years passed as I lived in trepidation of this fear. But we
Defence brats seek vicarious(8)
experience under our parents, which not only demonstrates but also seasons us for the worst. We are thorough with the art of acclimatization and have a propensity(9) to organize ourselves accordingly.

Thus, I gleaned up my courage after a couple of inert days and planned an effective schedule of activities to keep myself active, invigorating and productive. One of the best stuff is that I began avariciously(10) seeking from a fresh old book from the "VEDANTA SOCIETY"
I would like to share an excerpt from the book dedicated to the present clime i.e. "the more we suffer, the more our desires are frustrated, the more our efforts are defeated, the higher we will grow. We will be an experienced soldier, and that soldier again can be a teacher.".

Indeed, I can't solace the air nor can I clear the dreading defilement(11). But, I would say like all times, this time is also ephemeral and shall pass. All we need to do is to be patient and subservient(12) like our uniformed heroes and combat this like a warrior.
Also, with this I express my gratitude as a salute to all those doctors, staffs, defence personnel and everyone out there who at this difficult times have kept their sleeves up while we stayed at homes.

1. Apprehension: a fearful expectation or anticipation.
2. Trepidation: feeling of alarm.
3. Dented: a weakening or loosening effect.
4. Abyss: a bottomless pit.
5. Morbid: suggesting the horror of death or any similar condition.
6. Tribulation: any frustrating or catastrophic event.
7. Unpropitious: unfavourable 
8. Vicarious: experienced second-hand.  
9. Propensity: tendency
10. Avariciously: in a charged greedy manner.
11. Defilement: polluted
12. Subservient: compliant and obedient to authority.



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