Nature : the physical world surrounding us including plants, animals, rivers mountains and all things not made by people.

A perfectly summarized meaning of nature all things not made by people.

Years passed by and decades passed by, yet there seems no end to the nature’s excruciating pain, no heal to the wounds of it’s own creation becoming  the reason of it’s destruction. We, human beings being the most intellectual creatures present on Earth,are aptly capable to create our own fate. We have continually kept repaying the nature in the most logically-illogical way,  challenging our own sustainability to the resulting adversities.

Nature has always been honestly consistent in providing the best to us, be it the air that we breathe, food that we eat, the lush green-colorful painted landscapes it builds. And we as heroes have been cutting those trees for mean purposes, polluting the air, and the rampant industrialization to win all the games we’re playing.

Thus, we’ve been destroying the balance, the nature has been creating for every moment of it’s life and still living up for it, making our own existence critical and unpredictable on Earth.

It hasn’t been even two weeks of locking ourselves into our safe dens and four walls, we have started feeling it to be like a decade of distancing ourselves from creating havoc(credits; dear pandemic). For all those threats we have been giving to nature, now when nature is temporarily separated from its subjective monsters is coming to life again. All the fortitude of hers have been answered and her undaunting will  has been revealed. She’s healing, healing quickly, before the monsters are set free again.
The nature had stayed, stayed quite and patient for her chance, without pausing to perform her duty and impart all it possesses. Now, after getting her chance, she is rejuvenating herself and reviving herself, getting ready to fulfill her objective again.
Migrated birds are coming back home and those hidden are spreading their wings more often. The animals are coming out of their dens and roaming the man-made streets. The stars are shining brighter than ever and the blue sky seems less hazy. Breeze seems fresher after a long time and the most awaited ozone layer is recovering and healing it’s gap.

There’s much more to learn from the nature than we think we have. To learn how to heal, to learn to be selfless, to learn not giving up and to let the courage define us better. Stay learning, stay growing.



  1. Need of the hour..keep on keeping on

  2. Yes.. absolutely true. Thats what all of us inhabiting the earth needs to learn and at the same time respect the nature with being grateful from the bottom of our heart. We just can't repay the debt of mother nature, so we should all do what is minimally possible.

  3. Keep up the good work, Vaishali.

  4. Keep up the good work, Vaishali.


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