The plant at that corner was almost dead, secluded1 from the prosaic2 eyes with no leaves and no prominent signs of life.  What was visible were just the dried lanky branches of the relic3 body, in between the other plants with greens and flowers that resonated louder than this lonely one.  The gardener looked so busy decorating what was already wrought4, that he hardly paid attention to this wimp5 body.  He was very callous6 about this plant or might not even have bothered if it wasn’t there.

I was scrutinizing this episode from a distance, how this little one was eschewed7 from its basic needs.  After the gardener was done with his task, I went closer.  I noticed that gloomy plant trying to hide its ugliness or rather lifelessness.  Probably the one that wasn’t properly weaned and hence, lost the path while others brewed up8.  The closer I went, more was it nervous.  I touched it gently, just so that I could console and heal. It was still alive, and I could actually feel the dearly9 respirations.

There was still hope, or was the confluence of my spur and commitment.  A few sprinkles everyday and the golden benevolence from the Sky god would not suffice10 the needs.  It required to be nurtured well.  Much of my next few days went in scrupulous11 tendering and incubating the little one.  1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks........ 8 weeks, nothing changed except for our combined work and perseverance. 

I had to be patient to aid my inspiration. Gradually, we developed a bond of haven and faith with each other.  I was no way going to give up on the plant and it was pretty sure I wouldn’t.  I knew that it would show up some day.  They say failing plants rejuvenate with the sanguine12 efforts of their roots.  I could not wait to watch this miracle.  And then I woke up one day, to this miraculous rebirth. There were those tiny leaves swarming around all those branches that were once sere13.  And the view of watching it protrude its benign arms to embrace the life was like salvation.  Oh I so wish, I could make you witness the divinity of that moment with the portrait drawn in my eyes. 

1. Secluded : not seen or visited by many people.
2. Prosaic: dull or ordinary
3. Relic: an object that is considered holy  .
4. Wrought: carefully formed
5. Wimp: A weak person who lacks confidence and courage.
6. Callous: Not feeling/ showing any concern about others feelings or problems.
7. Eschewed: Refrain from
8. Brewed up: Starting to develop.
9. Dearly: in a severe manner/ with much loss or suffering.
10. Suffice: To be sufficient.
11. Scrupulous: Very careful about doing something correctly.
12. Sanguine : Confident and hopeful.
13. Sere: Dried and withered.


  1. Bro...phenomenal 😘💙

  2. Beautiful message to be patient to aid our respective inspirations. Keep going.

  3. Beautifully presented; the warm feelings we are loosing somewhere on the way to compete.... a pause which we miss to look and appreciate, a feeling to support.... a feeling to be a giver....


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