Yesterday morning, while rambling along the road on my way to college i saw a vendor taking chickens onto his cycle-cart.  The chickens were neither fastened nor caged rather kept openly.  I pondered why the birds weren’t  moving or trying to flee.  After a brief observation, i realized that their legs were intentionally injured.  The scene distressed me.

The chickens thus meant for poultry purposes are ill-treated in several instances. They are tied up by their legs and transported on two-wheeler. They are tightly caged with more of their kinds.  Many a times they die due to suffocation and lack of locomotion.  Imagine yourself packed up with a group of people in a lift.  How long can you stand the suffocation and discomfort without being able to move an inch?   A difficult question indeed!
                  These chickens are usually not fed, which ultimately compels them to prick and harm their contemporaries with their beaks.  It’s so awful that they are forced to eat each other for survival.  But human beings are even smarter, they cut their beaks in order to refrain them from impairing the others.  The mutilation they undergo causes them severe pain. They often die struggling for fresh air, food and flight.  They are slaughtered in front of other chickens which induces  bad effect on their minds and subsequently on their health.  Not just the hens but human beings have also been taking animals like pigs, sheep, goats, cows, fish, etc for their materialistic needs in a similar manner.

We the human beings have been endowed with more understanding, intellectualism and thinking capabilities on this earth.  We are here to maintain this ecosystem and harmony with other fellow beings.  We ought to mind our own conscience to understand this simple fact that living beings can be wordless.  Although we can’t ignore that they feel joy of freedom and grieve to lose their dear ones alike human beings.  Then why do we have such immensely distinguished conduct towards other existing living beings. 

I belong to a vegetarian family and have always been a proud vegetarian.  I would not suggest everyone to go vegetarian just because it’s  right in my opinion, but i would definitely request every individual to play their possible roles in omitting this practice from our society.  Let’s acquire a more sympathetic and hygienic way of treating our food sources.



  1. It's a very touchy issue, you have highlighted. We humans are so greedy that we forget others pain just for the sake of our own happiness or at times we are too ignorant to think about such pain.

    1. Thank you so much for your appreciation and support.


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