My Magical Transformation
“Sure i am that this day we are masters of our fate, that
the task which has been set before us is not above our strength ; that this
pangs and toils are not beyond my endurance. As long as we have faith in our
own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us. ”
-Winston Churchill
Few months before, i achieved a wonderful book as a prize
from my college. That time i was not so much aware of the miraculous changes
and enlightenment this book would bring into my life. This book was “Who will
cry when you die ?” by Robin Sharma.
Never before i had heard his name. Although, being fond of
reading influential books on life lessons , i ideally started reading it. I gradually started advancing much
curiosity and captivation regarding the subject of self-improvement. While
reading, i simultaneously kept on cross-checking my own personal life and planning
for the changes i could bring into my daily schedule to make use of this book
After reading this book i just could not keep myself from
reading his supreme “The monk who sold his ferrari”. I kept on looking for this
book in my vicinity when i came across one of my good friend who had it. I
clutched onto this opportunity and borrowed it for a few days. And i precisely
state that was the moment when i headed towards positivity and serenity.
The insighted words of this book stimulates us to live life
with more zest and passion. There is lot to learn from the fable’s protagonist “Julian
Mantle” who courageously took a significant step to improve his life and
eventually others. The focal point of this book was the concept of developing
your minds into fertile garden and nourishing them.
The lines that elevated my soul were ”Do the right things.
Act in a way that is congruent with your true character. Be guided by your
heart.”. And that instant i embarked upon blogging to spread my creativity
using this wisdom. This was when i integrated all my concrete ideas to express.
And further i would recommend all the readers to read this
book if they have not yet done. And those who had , are invited to share their
opinions and experiences.
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