What is an exam? Maybe, something that keeps reminding you that you are a student and you are supposed to study. You just fall head over heels into it and have no escape. What a turbulence, that moves your entire life temporarily. It disturbs your rut schedule, spoils your entertainment plans and leaves you devastated. Once exam arrives, it brings along a flood of worries, exam worries, preparation worries, result worries, worries of all your misfired plans and many more. The real Everest in a student’s life are the finicky exams. Whatever you do is just not enough and there’s always scope of improvement. It’s a real mystery to track how it came, who planned and scheduled them and most importantly what does an examiner expects. The longevity of exams just seems immortal and fritters you slowly. Many also suffer from the incongruent feeling of accepting it. The types of behaviour you get to...