There's something that shines as bright as the stars in the night, and is as fragrant as the strongest of incenses on earth. Literally, it’s cogently intoxicating and unignorable. At least in my case, I've always loved and can't simply keep myself from appreciating the finest work of the divine to have created a finesse . Well, about the chronology, it'll starts with the nostrils, the smell receptors are stimulated when inhaled. Signals travel from the olfactory nerve to the olfactory bulb. Signals then, from the olfactory bulb are sent to other parts of the brain and interpreted. Know what, enchanting fragrance eliciting my soul. Honestly, since the very first encounters I haven't ever been able to avoid even the slightest of these fragrances. And this particular smell, that had almost shook my olfactory system as tempestuously as it could was just another floral fragrances. You may say!! But for me, it was divine and invigorating rush inside. And the next thin...