
Showing posts from October, 2017

Illuminate Lives: BEHIND THE SCENE

Illuminate Lives: BEHIND THE SCENE : The most celebrated 5-day festival of India   "Diwali"   has already arrived and the splendor   can strongly be felt.   Al...


The most celebrated 5-day festival of India   "Diwali"   has already arrived and the splendor   can strongly be felt.   All the "Happy and safe Diwali"   wishes are already surrounding our ears.   Why not Holi, Mahashivratri, Eid, New Year's   and other festivals wished to be safe and only Diwali is supposed to be so?   Undoubtedly, we all know the answer. Since years, we have been focusing   and talking about the adverse after-effects of burning crackers on health and environment.   We discuss about the unabated air and noise pollution and the resultant global warming.   Hardly we chew over a few questions like: ·          Where does crackers comes from? ·          Who makes them and how do they make them? Regardless of all the after-effects, crackers do have sabotaging pre-effects too in their making process.   Chemicals used i...


The exclusive difference between a human being and an evolved human being is education.   Education is the root of progress of any state.  Education opens up the gate of opportunities and evolution.  It is a process of inheriting knowledge, skills and values from the learned ones.  This is the reason why schools, colleges and various institutions were established.  These are the places where the versed and more experienced people share and disseminate their knowledge to next generations.  Apart from the formal education, there are various sources of informal education which trains us in socialization.  Erudition has equipped us in knowing, understanding and following the rules of a country and hence, to become an ideal citizen. On the contrary, illiteracy leads to captivation in your own assumptions, thoughts, superstitions and beliefs.  You believe what others believe and do what you see others doing (especially your elders), without e...